10+ Health Conditions That May Benefit From A Healthy Keto Diet

The keto health diets have become incredibly popular. As per some early research it has come out that this high-fat, very low-carb diet may benefit several health conditions. Although it is that some of this evidence is from case studies and animal research. Those results from human controlled studies are also very promising. Here are more than 10 health conditions that may benefit from a ketogenic diet. Let us check out now which all of them are there. Here is the useful list for you:




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Because They Respond So Well To High Carbon Diets!😂


  1. Epilepsy


This is a disease that causes seizures in people due to excessive brain activity.


Many anti-seizure medications are available and are effective for some people with epilepsy. Yet for others there is not much of a response to the drugs or they can’t tolerate their side effects.


From all the conditions that may benefit from a ketogenic diet, epilepsy has by far the most evidence supporting it. Quite so, there are several dozen studies on this topic.


As per research it has been shown that seizures typically improve in about 50% of epilepsy patients who follow the classic ketogenic diet. This is also known as a 4:1 ketogenic diet because it provides 4 times as much fat as protein and carbs combined.


The modified Atkins diet or MAD is based on a considerably less restrictive 1:1 ratio of fat to protein and carbs. It has been shown to be equally effective for seizure control in most adults and children older than two years of age


The ketogenic diet may also have benefits on the brain beyond seizure control.


For example, when researchers examined the brain activity of children with epilepsy, they found improvements in various brain patterns in 65% of those following a ketogenic diet — regardless of whether they had fewer seizures



Ketogenic diets have been shown to reduce seizure frequency and severity in many children and adults with epilepsy who don’t respond well to drug therapy.


  1. Metabolic Syndrome


Metabolic syndrome, sometimes referred to as prediabetes, is characterized by insulin resistance.


You can be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome if you meet any 3 of these criteria:

  • Large waistline: 35 inches (89 cm) or higher in women and 40 inches (102 cm) or higher in men.
  • Elevated triglycerides: 150 mg/dl (1.7 mmol/L) or higher.
  • Low HDL cholesterol: Less than 40 mg/dL (1.04 mmol/L) in men and less than 50 mg/dL (1.3 mmol/L) in women.
  • High blood pressure: 130/85 mm Hg or higher.
  • Elevated fasting blood sugar: 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) or higher.


People with metabolic syndrome are at increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and other serious disorders related to insulin resistance.


Fortunately, following a keto diet food list may improve many features of metabolic syndrome. Improvements may include better cholesterol values, as well as reduced blood sugar and blood pressure


In a controlled 12-week study, people with metabolic syndrome on a calorie-restricted ketogenic diet lost 14% of their body fat. They decreased triglycerides by more than 50% and experienced several other improvements in health markers.



Ketogenic diets may reduce abdominal obesity, triglycerides, blood pressure and blood sugar in people with metabolic syndrome.


  1. Glycogen Storage Disease


People with glycogen storage disease (GSD) lack one of the enzymes involved in storing glucose (blood sugar) as glycogen or breaking glycogen down into glucose. There are several types of GSD, each based on the enzyme that is missing.


Typically, this disease is diagnosed in childhood. Symptoms vary depending on the type of GSD, and may include poor growth, fatigue, low blood sugar, muscle cramps and an enlarged liver.


GSD patients are often advised to consume high-carb foods at frequent intervals so glucose is always available to the body


However, early research suggests that a ketogenic diet may benefit people with some forms of GSD.


For example, GSD III, also known as Forbes-Cori disease, affects the liver and muscles. Ketogenic diets may help relieve symptoms by providing ketones that can be used as an alternate fuel source.


GSD V, also known as McArdle disease, affects the muscles and is characterized by a limited ability to exercise.


In one case, a man with GSD V followed a ketogenic diet for one year. Depending on the level of exertion required, he experienced a dramatic 3- to 10-fold increase in exercise tolerance.


However, controlled studies are needed to confirm the potential benefits of ketogenic diet therapy in people with glycogen storage disease.



People with certain types of glycogen storage disease may experience a dramatic improvement in symptoms while following a ketogenic diet. However, more research is needed.


  1. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disease marked by hormonal dysfunction that often results in irregular periods and infertility.


One of its hallmarks is insulin resistance, and many women with PCOS are obese and have a hard time losing weight. Women with PCOS are also at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes (21Trusted Source).


Those who meet the criteria for metabolic syndrome tend to have symptoms that affect their appearance. Effects may include increased facial hair, acne and other signs of masculinity related to higher testosterone levels (22Trusted Source).


A lot of anecdotal evidence can be found online. However, only a few published studies confirm the benefits of low-carb and ketogenic diets for PCOS (23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source).


In a 6-month study of eleven women with PCOS following a ketogenic diet, weight loss averaged 12%. Fasting insulin also declined by 54% and reproductive hormone levels improved. Two women suffering from infertility became pregnant.




Women with PCOS following a ketogenic diet may experience weight loss, reduction in insulin levels and improvement in reproductive hormone function.


  1. Diabetes




People with diabetes often experience impressive reductions in blood sugar levels on a ketogenic diet. This is true of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


Indeed, dozens of controlled studies show that a very low-carb diet helps control blood sugar and may also provide other health benefits.


In a 16-week study, 17 of 21 people on a ketogenic diet were able to discontinue or decrease diabetes medication dosage. Study participants also lost an average of 19 pounds (8.7 kg) and reduced their waist size, triglycerides and blood pressure.


In a 3-month study comparing a ketogenic diet to a moderate-carb diet, people in the ketogenic group averaged a 0.6% decrease in HbA1c. 12% of participants achieved an HbA1c below 5.7%, which is considered normal.



Ketogenic diets have been shown to reduce blood sugar in people with diabetes. In some cases, values return to a normal range, and medications can be discontinued or reduced.


Take Home Message


Ketogenic diets are being considered for use in several disorders due to their beneficial effects on metabolic health and the nervous system.


However, many of these impressive results come from case studies and need validation through higher-quality research, including randomized controlled trials.


With respect to cancer and several other serious diseases on this list, a ketogenic diet should be undertaken only in addition to standard therapies under the supervision of a doctor or qualified healthcare provider.


Also, no one should consider the ketogenic diet a cure for any disease or disorder on its own.


Nonetheless, the keto diet plan having potential to improve health is very promising.

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